About Kris & Stacey


About Kris Fenton Siwek

Kris Fenton Siwek was a wife, mother of two, fine artist and author.  After a dear family friend died suddenly, Kris struggled to find words to comfort his 6-year-old son Chad and help him process his dad's death.  She wrote and illustrated a book titled What You Are Never Stops and dreamed of publishing the book to help children around the world come to terms with the death of a close loved one.


Kris's legacy

Sadly, before she could publish the book, Kris herself passed away at the young age of 42, leaving behind two teenaged children who were burdened by the same loss she so eloquently wrote about in her book.  After years of struggling to find purpose in her grief, Kris's daughter, Stacey, finally brought the book to life and Caterpillars Can't Talk: A Children's Story about Love Loss and Transformation was lovingly published.  


Join Stacey's Journey

After years of struggling to find purpose surrounding the death of her own mother - the author and illustrator of this beautiful book - Stacey founded One Million Monarchs, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to bring comfort, safety and peace to teenagers and their families who are grieving the loss of a parent, sibling or close friend.  With the vision of "Grow Through What You Go Through", the organization's objective is to help teens stay on track toward their personal goals after a profound grief experience.  

For more information, visit:  www.onemillionmonarchs.org